YES! “Bidenomics is BADenomics”! I will help hold Sen. Casey and Biden accountable!
NO! I like arbitrary, big government interventions in the economy that raise prices and stress for all Americans. I’m apathetic and won’t lift a finger on any keyboard to change the status quo.
Joe Biden loves this economy so much he’s named it after himself—Bidenomics.
Hardworking Americans are spending more and getting less. 40-year high inflation and tripled interest rates mean loans are more costly, life savings are disappearing, and retirement accounts are whipsawed in a volatile market trying to keep up with whatever is Biden’s next big government intervention.
President Biden's debt-fueled inflation has exploded borrowing costs, pushing us towards a global recession. Look at the facts:
But there's a better path forward, one rooted in common sense economics and individual empowerment.
It's time to prioritize the needs of Americans, to help them realize their own American Dreams instead of Biden’s big government overreach and intervention.
It's time for accountability. Bidenomics isn't the solution; it's the problem.
Your Senator, Bob Casey, must be held accountable. We need a movement of people ready to cry “shame!” to Sen. Casey's votes for $5.5 TRILLION in Bidenomics big government spending binge.
Sen. Casey voted for ALL of Biden’s failed economic policies:
Lower inflation by ending wasteful spending and cutting government red tape
Unleash energy abundance by breaking barriers to domestic energy production
Empower the workforce by providing people with freedom and flexibility to work where and how they want
Let's demand better from Sen. Casey.
Americans for Prosperity is the united voice of millions of concerned citizens like you who want freedom and opportunity to win.
We have activists across the country, including 145 organized teams in 36 states, including yours, who you can join to hold Sen. Casey accountable and end the costly mistakes of Bidenomics.
Together, we can reignite the American Dream.
And your Senator, Bob Casey, loves Bidenomics so much he voted for all $5.5 TRILLION of the Bidenomics big government binge.
Sen. Casey could have done better.
Prosperity is possible. We have real solutions, ready to: